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Proper Lawn Care

A lush, healthy lawn provides a picturesque setting for flower beds and outdoor activities. But it requires regular care from a qualified professional. Contact Lawn Care Concord now!

Watering: To encourage deep roots, aim for about an inch of water per week (including rainfall). Shorter watering sessions tend to moisten only the surface soil.

Fungus: Cool-season grasses benefit from fungicide treatments in fall, while warm-season grasses enter dormancy. Maintaining optimal soil pH levels also promotes healthy turf.


Your lawn needs several things to thrive: sun, air, and water. It is important to know how much and when to water your grass. If you don’t do this properly, your lawn will struggle to grow and become dull or yellow. It will also welcome weeds and be more susceptible to diseases.

The water needed depends on several factors: Grass type, soil composition, and climate. Generally, a lawn requires 1 to 1.5 inches of water per week, either from rainfall or irrigation. The goal is to water deeply, encouraging root growth down into the soil, which will result in a healthy, drought-resistant lawn.

It is recommended to water your lawn in the morning, before 10 a.m. This is the best time to water your lawn because the temperatures are cooler and winds tend to be calmer. This allows the moisture to soak in more effectively and prevents water evaporating quickly.

Frequent, shallow watering encourages grass roots to stay close to the surface. This can cause the lawn to be more vulnerable to disease and drought stress, and it makes it more difficult for the lawn to absorb nutrients from the soil. It can also lead to excessive thatch and weed development.

Deep watering promotes a healthy, dense lawn. It also helps to minimize fertilizer burn and fungi. It is important to adjust your watering schedule based on weather conditions, especially during times of drought. It is also necessary to reduce or shut down automatic irrigation systems during severe water shortages.

Other lawn care tasks include aeration, fertilization, mulching and weed control. You may also need tree and shrub care, sowing/overseeding, and snow removal and winterization. In the summer, it is essential to complete aeration and aeration services and weed control. It is important to monitor your lawn for signs of stress, such as wilting grass and footprints that don’t spring back. If you notice these symptoms, contact a professional for help. They can help you determine if the lawn is in need of more water, or if it is a problem with your sprinkler system.


A healthy, thriving lawn is more than just a visual enhancement to your property; it is also a crucial environmental asset. It produces oxygen, traps dust and other airborne particles, helps cool the earth, absorbs noise, and provides a natural habitat for beneficial insects. In order to maintain this vitality, it is important that homeowners properly care for their lawns by implementing various care aspects including watering, mowing, and fertilization.

Fertilizing is a key element of lawn care because it replenishes the soil’s nutrient content that gets depleted over time due to rainfall, grass growth and natural decomposition. There are many types of lawn fertilizers available that offer different combinations of nutrients and release times. Grass requires nitrogen (for leaf growth), phosphorous (to promote root development) and potassium (to help resist drought, fungus and extreme weather conditions).

The type of lawn fertilizer that you use and when you apply it will greatly affect your results. For example, liquid and starter fertilizers are high in nitrogen to give lawns a boost at the beginning of the growing season, while granular lawn fertilizers are high in slow-release nutrients to prepare the lawn for winter dormancy.

Lawn fertilization is not a “one size fits all” approach, and the best way to understand how your lawn can benefit from fertilization is to have a soil test performed. A soil test will reveal the specific nutrient needs of your lawn, which can then be tailored with a combination of organic and chemical products to meet those needs.

Another aspect of lawn care that is often overlooked is the physical benefits that can be gained from properly performing fertilization. When done correctly, lawn fertilization involves walking at a steady pace across the entire yard, and this can involve plenty of bending, squatting, reaching and other movements that can contribute to an overall fitness program.

If you are interested in having a professionally-prepared lawn that is the envy of the neighborhood, contact us to learn more about our lawn fertilization services! We can provide the specialized care that your lawn needs to thrive all year round.

Weed Control

Weeds can make your lawn look unkempt and overshadow the beauty of your grass. They also compete for resources like water, nutrients and sunlight with desirable plants, which can weaken lawns. Effective weed control will limit their growth and allow desired plants to thrive.

Preventative weed control saves time and money in the long run. If you wait until weeds are fully grown, they can be difficult and expensive to remove. A reputable professional will monitor your lawn regularly and treat weeds as they appear to prevent them from spreading, saving you both the cost of weed removal services and the stress of dealing with unruly plants.

Lawn care professionals have commercial licensing to purchase the best weed control products that are not available to consumers. They have the knowledge of what products work and how to use them effectively for maximum efficiency. They will also know when to apply a product, taking into account weather conditions and wind factors that may affect its effectiveness.

Chemical herbicides can have a negative impact on the environment if used incorrectly, leaching into soil and contaminating water sources. A balanced approach to weed control incorporates a combination of natural solutions (mulching, hand weeding and organic herbicides) that are safe for the environment as well as the plants and animals in your yard.

Integrated pest management (IPM) is one of the most effective strategies for minimizing weeds without excessive herbicide use. It involves monitoring your lawn for signs of weed problems and adjusting cultural practices to keep the surrounding plants healthy, with reduced or even no herbicides.

A good IPM program will address underlying issues that could be contributing to weed growth, such as soil health or improper irrigation. Identifying the root cause will enable you to make changes that will eliminate weeds without the use of harsh chemicals. This is why a reputable lawn care service will assess your yard and create a customized weed control maintenance plan to keep your yard looking beautiful and green. Weeds aren’t just unsightly, they can harbor pests and thorns that can hurt children and pets playing on your property. A weed-free lawn is safer and more enjoyable for everyone.


Trees, shrubs, and hedge plants can grow out of control if not pruned properly. Having a good lawn care service on a regular schedule helps keep them in check. They can cut back the dead or overgrown portions of the plant, making it more visually appealing, as well as allowing more light to reach grass or other plantings on your property.

Pruning also helps to prevent disease, which can be spread from one plant to another through contact. By removing any parts of a plant that are dying, a professional can treat the underlying issue and stop it from spreading to healthier parts of the same plant. Additionally, trimming and pruning allows healthy parts of the plant to get more light and moisture so that they can grow stronger and healthier.

When a tree or shrub is overgrown, it can block sunlight to the surrounding landscape or even the house itself. A landscaping professional can help with a pruning plan that keeps the plant at an appropriate size and shape for its location.

In general, a plant should be pruned in the fall or winter when it is dormant. This way, it does not cause as much stress or damage to the plant, which is more likely to happen during warmer months.

Regardless of when it is done, there are certain plants that need to be pruned more often than others. This includes azaleas, rhododendron, and magnolias. These flowers are borne on wood produced during the previous year, so if they are not pruned correctly, the flower buds may not open.

Other shrubs and bushes that should be regularly pruned include forsythia, lilac, chokeberry, and rose-of-Sharon. These plants set their buds during the summer, so if they are not pruned after they bloom, they will be too small to produce flowers in the future.

By signing up for recurring lawn care services with Sharp Lawn Care, you can rest assured that your trees, shrubs, and hedge plants are being taken care of at the right time to ensure their health and beauty. This makes your yard and property look amazing, and it saves you time and effort so that you can focus on other important tasks in your life.